
Bluestacks 5.3
Bluestacks 5.3

bluestacks 5.3 bluestacks 5.3

If you want to play Android games, it’s better to keep using BlueStacks or other Android emulators instead of WSA. Is BlueStacks better than Windows Subsystem for Android? However, you can follow our guide to patch WSA and install Google Play Store (and apps) on Windows 11.

bluestacks 5.3

You can’t use Google apps by default on Windows Subsystem for Android since it doesn’t have Google Mobile Services (GMS). Please update your emulator to the latest version” error if you try playing PUBG Mobile on Windows 11 using the Windows Subsystem for Android.Ĭan I use Google apps on Windows Subsystem for Android? You will likely get a “Your account has been temporarily frozen due to abnormalities detected in your emulator. Users report that trying PUBG Mobile and BGMI on Windows 11 natively through Windows Subsystem for Android is resulting in an account ban. But overall, the first beta of Windows Subsystem for Android has surely lived up to my expectations. Of course, you can’t scale Instagram to cover the entire screen on your laptop, and some apps act finicky while resizing or installing. Be it installing apps from the Play Store, streaming videos on YouTube, or scrolling through Reels on Instagram, the experience has been fairly good.

bluestacks 5.3

I have been able to install most of my favorite apps, including Apple Music, on my Windows 11 PC. Talking about performance, my brief time using Android apps on Windows 11 has been pleasant. The multi-instance manager in Bluestacks lets you create and power up multiple instances to “play several games together, use different accounts at the same time and farm more easily in many different games.” Windows Subsystem for Android vs BlueStacks: Performance You are not limited to using just one Android app or game at a time. What does that mean, you ask? Well, that means you can run multiple different Android apps on your Windows 11 PC at the same time. Moreover, I would also like to mention both Windows Subsystem for Android and Bluestack 5 come with multi-instance support. Multi-instance support for Android apps on Windows 11

Bluestacks 5.3